How to Become a Landlord

Landlords in the private market can lease their unit to families in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. The program is federally funded and administered by the Housing Authority of Maricopa County (HAMC). The process of renting to a family in the HCV program is similar to renting to a family in the private market – the landlord screens and selects tenants, collects rent and maintains the property.

Landlord Participation in the Housing Choice Voucher Program 

When you rent a unit to a HAMC Section 8 Voucher holder you become a HAMC landlord.

To begin, each Landlord must list their unit(s) at: HAMC will refer all voucher holders to this website. The information listed on this website is not pre-screened by the HAMC and are not preferred units, but a tool to assist owners with marketing and voucher holders with locating affordable, available units.

How it Works

Eligible families will receive a “Voucher” from HAMC.  A Housing Choice Voucher is a document.  This document identifies a family’s eligibility to receive financial support (subsidy) from HAMC to pay a portion of rent directly to the landlord. The remaining portion is the responsibility of the tenant. Families must find housing within a certain time frame of receiving a Voucher, usually between 120 and 240 days. You may ask to see the family’s Voucher.

Applicant Screening

HAMC screens Voucher holders for program eligibility only – to determine how much rent HAMC will support the family and how much rent the tenant will pay on their own. As in the private market, the owner is responsible for screening applicants for rental suitability. Selecting tenants, whether Voucher holders or not, is limited only by fair housing requirements and the prohibition of discrimination as established by federal and state law.

What Steps are Involved in Renting to a Family with a Voucher?

Step 1: Scheduling the Inspection 

If you choose to rent to a family with a Voucher, complete the Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) Packet with the prospective tenant. This packet will be reviewed to verify all required documentation is received and the family’s income is qualified for the unit.  Then HAMC will schedule the inspection of the unit using the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) protocol.


Step 2: Authorization to Sign the Lease 

Once the unit has passed inspection, and the tenant has been given approval by HAMC to move in, you will arrange a move in date with the family and sign a lease with the family. Within 5 days of lease signing, a copy of the executed lease will be provided by the Landlord to HAMC.

Under Arizona law, you can ask for a security deposit that is up to 1.5 times the monthly rent, once the lease is signed. The deposit must be refundable. The lease is between you and the family.

Step 3: Sign the Housing Assistance Payment Contract 

The Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract is your agreement with HAMC. It guarantees you the subsidy payment and other benefits as long as the family remains in the inspected unit and remains in compliance with NSPIRE protocol. Once HAMC receives a copy of the executed lease, HAMC will execute the HAP Contract with the Landlord.

Step 4: Begin to receive Housing Assistance Payments

Once the signed HAP Contract is returned to HAMC, a monthly direct deposit will be issued to the Landlord each month on behalf of the family.   The remaining rent portion, if any, is the responsibility of the tenant.


What Happens After I Rent to the Family?

Every year, HAMC will determine whether the family is still eligible for the Housing Choice Voucher program and the unit remains in compliance with NSPIRE. A change in the family’s size or income may result in a change in their portion of rent and the HAP to the Landlord. If the unit is no longer in compliance with NSPIRE, HAMC will notify you in writing and provide time to make the repairs.

You may request an increase in the rent annually (in accordance with your lease), but HAMC must determine that the requested amount is reasonable in comparison to other market rate units.  Rent increases may result in the family having to pay the difference between the original rent amount and the increased rent amount.

Can the Lease be Terminated, if Necessary? 

The eviction process is the same for a family with a Voucher and an unassisted family. The lease must outline how much notice you give your tenant if you want to terminate the lease. You have to send HAMC copies of the eviction notice. You may consult an attorney or bring the matter to local court. You do not need HAMC’s permission to evict a tenant who is in violation of the lease.